Some astrologers believe that your career is governed by your particular zodiac sign (representing a unique personality profile). Even though a definite link does exist between the type of career that suits you and your personality type, using a horoscope reading (for anything other than entertainment purposes) to decide what career choices you should make, is very questionable.
For fun, try finding your career choices by going to the following Career Astrology website:
The word ” horoscope” is an astrological term that refers to the alignment of the planets at a specific moment in time. Of greatest interest to astrologers is the exact alignment of the planets when someone was born. In astrology, the heavens are divided into twelve different “houses”. When all of these houses are grouped together, they make up the zodiac. There is a Western zodiac (horoscope) and a Chinese zodiac. Each house within the zodiac has an unique sign. For example, in the Western horoscope if you were born on August 10th, then you come under the Leo house or sign.
The Chinese horoscope is also divided up into twelve houses, but each house is based upon the particular year in which you were born. Each year has its own specific animal sign or house. For example, if you were born in 1974, you were born in the year or house of the tiger. According to Chinese legend, the great Buddha made up these twelve animal signs. He had extended an invitation to all of the creatures within the Chinese kingdom to come to a specific location for a meeting, but only 12 creatures showed up. The first creature that showed up was the rat. It is no coincidence, then, that when you look at the Chinese horoscope the first sign with the number one rank is the rat. Every creature that attended the meeting had a sign named after it, for example, the year (house) of the rat. At that meeting, every creature, of course, exhibited its own unique traits, which Buddha observed and recorded. For example, the rat was aggressive while the rooster loved to show off. All of these specific traits were put into the Chinese horoscope; and it is thought that whatever animal sign someone is born under, that person will exhibit the same traits as that animal.
Horoscopes have been used by humankind for thousands of years. Nearly every ancient civilization used some form of horoscopes. They were even used as far back as ancient Egypt: one of the most sacred temples, the Temple of Hathor, had a huge circle on its roof (viewed only from the air) that contained the signs of the zodiac.
The primary use of horoscopes has been to predict the future, usually by means of a fortune teller or mystic. If a fortune teller or mystic could predict the future, then he or she could inform someone of their destiny (what lay ahead). For example, within ancient Rome, fortune tellers were commonly used by the rich and famous as well as the poor and lowly. One of the world’s most famous horoscope readings was given to Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general. His fortune teller warned him to “beware of the ides of March”. On the ancient Roman calendar, this day would have been March 15th. Julius Caesar ignored his horoscope and was brutally murdered by several Roman senators on March 15th.
Astrologers believe that our destiny is mapped out just as the heavens are mapped out, following a particular set path. Apparently your birth date holds enormous importance as it relates to a particular alignment of the planets, moons, and stars at a particular period of time. Certain events take place when certain planets, moons, and stars are aligned in a particular order.
Whether or not horoscopes are valid is difficult to answer. Some people will swear that horoscopes are accurate; whereas others will swear that they are phony and totally inaccurate. The scientific evidence to support the use of horoscopes is lacking; yet many people swear that their lives are governed by the movements of the planets, moons, and stars. You use horoscopes at your own risk. What they predict for you may or may not come true: You have a 50% chance of the horoscope being true. More than likely, what you believe to come true, will come true. In other words, it is not the horoscope that is making things come true, it is your belief in that horoscope that makes it come true.
Zodiac Sign Date of Birth
Aries March 21 – April 20
Taurus April 21 – May 20
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Leo July 23 – August 22
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Libra September 23 – October 22
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Major personality traits: – Ambitious – Impatient – Have a good sense of humor – Loyal
Careers that suit them: – Media Spokesperson – Engineering – Entrepreneur (businessperson)
Love/relationship traits: – Impulsive – Prone to follow their “hearts”
How do they handle money? – Accept a high level of risk (perceived as being “gamblers” with their money)
Famous Aries: – Lady Gaga (pop singer) – Emma Watson (movie actress) – Robert Downey, Jr. (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Stubborn – Patient – Understanding – Practical
Careers that suit them: – Nurse – Lawyer – Teacher
Love/relationship traits: – Sensual (physical) lovers – Possessive
How do they handle money? – Are not gamblers – Want secure, low-risk investments
Famous Taurus: – Adele (pop singer) – Channing Tatum (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Highly adaptable – Moody – Charismatic – Restless
Careers that suit them: – Actor – Journalist – Sales
Love/relationship traits: – Love to flirt – At times superficial
How do they handle money? – Not materialistic – Not interested in financial planning
Famous Gemini: – Donald Trump (businessman) – Prince (singer) – Marilyn Monroe (movie actress)
Major personality traits: – Traditionalist – Conservative – Loyal – Sympathetic to others
Careers that suit them: – Psychologist – Lawyer – Chef or hotel manager
Love/relationship traits: – Warm and supportive – Romantic – Moody
How do they handle money? – Cautious – Like to collect valuable works of art
Famous Cancer: – Selena Gomez (pop singer) – Tom Cruise (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Brave – Intuitive – Willful – Outgoing and charismatic
Careers that suit them: – CEO of company – Actor or actress – Editor
Love/relationship traits: – Warm – Sensuous
How do they handle money? – Have high expectations for a high income (and generally fulfill those expectations)
Famous Leo Personalities: – US President Barack Obama – Jennifer Lopez (movie actress) – Tom Brady (football player)
Major personality traits: – Freely express opinions – Inquisitive – Analytical – Impatient
Careers that suit them: – Investigator – Translator – Scientific Research
Love/relationship traits: – Honest – Value intelligence
How do they handle money? – Are frugal with their money
Famous Virgo Personalities: – Beyonce Knowles (pop singer) – Dylan O’Brien (TV actor) – Blake Lively (TV actress)
Major personality traits: – Stable – Balanced – Somewhat introverted
Careers that suit them: – Social Worker – Mediator – Artist or musician
Love/relationship traits: – Want their true soul mate
How do they handle money? – Spend it as fast as they earn it
Famous Libra Personalities: – Zac Efron (movie actor) – Bruno Mars (pop singer) – Will Smith (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Secretive – Argumentative – Forceful and can be ruthless – Need to be in control
Careers that suit them: – Scientist – Researcher – Doctor, e.g. surgeon
Love/relationship traits: – Passionate – Possessive and jealous
How do they handle money? – Able to make a lot of money due to their business sense
Famous Scorpio Personalities: – Katy Perry (pop singer) – Drake (rapper) – Leonardo DiCaprio (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Focused – Intense – Impatient – Loyal
Careers that suit them: – Interpreter – Public Relations – Politician
Love/relationship traits: – Want their freedom – Adventurous and open
How do they handle money? – Prone to take high risks
Famous Sagittarius Personalities: – Taylor Swift (pop singer) – Miley Cyrus (pop singer)
Major personality traits: – Highly intelligent – Organized – Intuitive – Orderly
Careers that suit them: – Accountant – Medicine-related, e.g. doctor, nurse, medical lab technician
Love/relationship traits: – Stable as a partner
How do they handle money? – Have a good business sense and make wise low-risk investments
Famous Capricorn Personalities: – Elvis Presley (rock singer) – Liam Hemsworth (movie actor)
Major personality traits: – Honest – Highly intelligent – At times can be lazy – Loyal
Careers that suit them: – Scientist – Artist – Astronomer
Love/relationship traits: – Caring – Dependable
How do they handle money? – Not interested in financial planning, will make safe investments
Famous Aquarius Personalities: – Michael Jordan (basketball player) – Ellen DeGeneres (TV host) – Justin Timberlake (pop singer)
Major personality traits: – Trustworthy – Honest – Can be over-cautious – At times gullible
Careers that suit them: – Veterinarian – Artist – Counselor or psychologist
Love/relationship traits: – Sensual and romantic – Easygoing
How do they handle money? – Too trusting and can be victims to fraud, need financial advisors who are reliable and honest
Famous Pisces Personalities: – Justin Bieber (pop singer) – Rihanna (pop singer) – Adam Levine (pop singer)
Animal Sign / Horoscope Ranking / Year of Birth
Rat / 1 / 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Ox / 2 / 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger / 3 / 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Rabbit / 4 / 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon / 5 / 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake / 6 / 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse / 7 / 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Sheep / 8 / 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey / 9 / 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster / 10 / 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog / 11 / 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig / 12 / 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Major personality traits: – Born leaders: they are number one in horoscope rank – Clever – Restless – Sociable and loyal
What motivates them: – Adventure and challenge – Money and power
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Financial advisor – Doing something creative – nothing tedious and repetitive
Major personality traits: – Practical and persistent – Have much common sense and are reliable – Loyal and dependable
What motivates them: – Security – Upholding tradition
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Work best alone, not as part of a team – Need to be efficient – Ideally suited to work for a large corporation
Major personality traits: – Assertive and honest – Are not afraid to confront others – They are likable
What motivates them: – The battle against injustice – Are protective of others and will help to right any inequity
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Need variety – Ideally suited for management careers
Major personality traits: – Are sensitive and non-confrontational – Are quite creative – Can be understanding and wise
What motivates them: – Want to feel like they belong, to be part of a group
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Diplomat or lawyer – Counselor or psychologist – Artist or musician
Major personality traits: – Outgoing – Optimistic and enthusiastic – Both loyal and honest
What motivates them: – Need to obtain power, to be in control
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Would do well in the entertainment field – Need the ability to implement their grandiose ideas
Major personality traits: – Reserved and secretive – Analytical – Have high standards (they don’t accept second best)
What motivates them: – The pursuit of tranquility and inner peace
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Researcher – Counselor (due to their insight)
Major personality traits: – Energetic and easygoing – Sociable – Easily bored
What motivates them: – The need for independence
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Communications-related jobs – Translator – Can easily pick up new skills (due to their agile mind)
Major personality traits: – Nurturing and gentle – Are happy and carefree – Caring and considerate
What motivates them: – Need to be at peace, surrounded by both beauty and tranquility – The need, if necessary, to restore harmony into their lives
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Have a wide range of artistic ability – Social Worker – Doctor
Major personality traits: – Intelligent with a quick mind – Insightful – Charismatic – Seek variety at all times
What motivates them: – Want adventure and amusement
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Need something interesting and challenging – Are adaptable and can easily learn new skills
Major personality traits: – Are honest and resilient – Can be tough-minded and impatient with others – Outgoing – Generous and loyal
What motivates them: – The need to obtain status – Are image conscious
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Managerial positions – Financial Advisor
Major personality traits: – Honest – Supportive and caring – Physically active
What motivates them: -The need to help others
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Are responsible and hard-working individuals – Like to be a member of the team and enjoy the status quo
Major personality traits: – Outgoing and kind – Trusting and unpretentious – Generous and well-liked
What motivates them: – The need to obtain the good life, as they are somewhat hedonistic
Careers/Lifestyles that suit them: – Need to do something creative, e.g. fashion design – Teacher – Doctor